ForgeRock Identity Live, Austin TX

A few weeks ago, ForgeRock organised the first Identity Live event of the season, in Austin TX.

With more than 300 registered guests, an impeccable organisation by our Marketing team, the event was a great success.

The first day was sales oriented, with company presentations, roadmaps, products’ demonstrations but also testimony from existing customers. The second day was focusing on the technical side of the ForgeRock solutions, in an unconference format, where Product Managers, Technical Consultants et Engineers shared with the audience their experience, their knowledge.

It was great to meet again so many colleagues, partners, customers; to have lively conversations about the products, the projects and the overall directions of the Identity technology.

You can find more photos of the event in the dedicated album.

ForgeRock SKO in Las Vegas

Last week, ForgeRock ran its annual Sales and Marketing Kick Off on the shores of Lake Las Vegas. It was great week for all of us, getting prepared for 2020. Looking forward to great things again this year!

And I feel really proud and grateful to be part of such an amazing Product Management team.

ForgeRock Identity Day Paris (2019)

Jeudi 21 Novembre, c’est tenu à Paris le ForgeRock Identity Day, une demi journée d’information sur notre société et nos produits, destinée à nos clients, prospects et partenaires.

Animé par Christophe Badot, VP de la Région France, Benelux, Europe du Sud, cet événement a commencé par une présentation de Alexander Laurie, VP Global Solution Architecture, sur les tendances du marché et la vision de ForgeRock, en Français avec un bel accent Anglais.

Nous avons eu des témoignages de nos clients: CNP Assurance, GRDF et l’Alliance Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi. Merci à eux d’avoir partagé leurs besoins et la solution apportée par ForgeRock.

Léonard Moustacchis et Stéphane Orluc, Solutions Architects chez ForgeRock, ont fait une démonstration en direct de la force de la Plateforme d’Identité de ForgeRock, à travers une application bancaire web et mobile. Et j’ai eu l’honneur de clore la journée avec une présentation de la roadmap produits, et surtout du ForgeRock Identity Cloud, notre offre SaaS disponible depuis la fin Octobre.

Cette après-midi s’est terminée sur un cocktail qui nous a permis de discuter plus en détail avec les participants. Toutes les photos de l’événement sont visible dans l’album sur mon compte Flickr.

And now the English shorter version:

On Thursday November 21st, we hosted ForgeRock Identity Day in Paris, a half day event for our customers, prospect customers and partners. We presented our vision of the identity landscape, our products and the roadmap. And three of our French customers : CNP Assurances, GRDF, Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, presented how ForgeRock has helped them with their digital transformation and identity needs. My colleagues from the Solutions Architect team ran a live demo of our web and mobile sample banking applications, to illustrate the power of the ForgeRock Identity Platform. And I closed the day with a presentation of the product roadmap and especially of ForgeRock Identity Cloud, our solution as a service. As usual, all my photos are visible in this public Flickr album.

LDAPCon 2019

The 7th International LDAP Conference has been announced and will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on November 4-6. The first day will be reserved for workshops, the main conference taking place on the 5th and 6th.

LDAPCon brings together vendors, developers, active LDAP practitioners, system administrators to share their experiences about service operations, interoperability, application development and discuss LDAP at large, in a friendly and passionated atmosphere.

A call for participation has been opened and will remain open until August 1st 18th.

Update on CfP closure, now August 18th.

Après Londres, Identity Live arrive à Paris

Le ForgeRock Identity Live de Londres vient tout juste de se terminer, et déjà je suis impatient du prochain, le dernier pour l’année 2018: Identity Live Paris.


Venez nous retrouver, rencontrer des clients, des leaders d’opinions, des experts technique et autres professionnels de l’identité numérique. Pour la première fois, cette année, vous aurez aussi la possibilité, le 14 Novembre, de rencontrer et de discuter avec les experts techniques des produits, les développeurs, sous un format “UnConference” : agenda mouvant, discussions interactives sur les nouvelles fonctionnalités, sur les bonnes pratiques avec les containeurs Docker et Kubernetes…

Il est encore temps de s’inscrire !

En espérant vous retrouver à Paris les 13 et 14 Novembre…

[Mise à jour post-évenement]:
Vous pouvez trouver les quelques photos que j’ai faites ici.


Identity Live London is over, Paris is next…

It’s been a couple of intense days in London with over 200 attendees at the London stop of the ForgeRock Identity Live world tour.


In London, we’ve had 3 important customers that explained how they are innovating with the help of digital identities, each of them providing online services to over 30 millions users: The BBC, Maerks and Pearson. And we’ve had 3 major UK banks that joined a panel to discuss OpenBanking and APIs in the banking industry. I have particularly enjoyed the well mastered presentations by Bianca Lopes about the data that we leave online and that ties back to our identity, and by Spencer Kelly, technology presenter of the BBC show “Click”.

UntitledToday, we had our “unConference” day, where the engineering team is joining the product management one and discuss with our customers and partners on how to leverage the newest features of the ForgeRock Identity Platform, whether already released or soon to be.

My photos of the Identity Live London are now publicly visible here:

And now, on to the next and last stop for 2018: Paris, November 13 and 14. Register and join us!


[Post Event Update]

You can find the few photos that I’ve taken on the Flickr album.


ForgeRock Identity Live Berlin

The second show of the ForgeRock worldwide tour of Identity Live events took place last week in the beautiful city of Berlin.LP0_4079

My colleagues from the Marketing team have already put a summary of the event with an highlight video and links to slides, videos of the sessions.

And my photo album of the event is also visible online here:

ForgeRock Identity Live Berlin 2018

See you at the next Identity Live in Sydney or in Singapore in August.

Open Provisioning ToolKit phoenix moment

OpenPTKI’m sitting in training this week with our Solution Architects team and was talking to my long time colleague Scott Fehrman about a customer I recently met and a mention of the Open Provisioning ToolKit (OpenPTK) in one of the slides. OpenPTK is an open source project that Scott, Terry Sigle and Derrick Harcey founded at Sun Microsystems some years ago.

As we’re talking Scott realized that the website that hosted OpenPTK source code, issues and downloads ( is gone. As he had a copy of the latest version, he put it back online on his github account.

If anyone is using OpenPTK and would like to get the code, or even better work on it, it has raised from the hashes and is now publicly available:

ForgeRock UnSummit in Bristol – March 2nd.

Allan Foster, VP Global Partner Enablement, master of ceremony of the 2016 San Francisco UnSummit.

On March 2nd, ForgeRock will be hosting an UnSummit, a  free and open to all event, in Bristol.  In an “unconference” format, join us in the ForgeRock’s Bristol offices at Queen’s Square, for a day of discussions, presentations with users, deployers and developers of the ForgeRock Identity Platform.


Top 5 reasons why you (or your team) should join us?

  1. It’s a day for techie’s and nothing like a regular conference
  2. If you’re interested in identity or working on an identity project – it’s a must!
  3. There will be 30+ sessions to choose from during the day
  4. It’s a great opportunity to visit Bristol – one of Britain’s leading “Smart Cities”
  5. It’s complimentary so no charge to attend

You can register and find  more details on the ForgeRock website. And if you’re still hesitating, please check what TechSpark wrote about the coming UnSummit.

I’ll be attending the UnSummit and hope to see you there.


Les Identity Tech Talks arrivent à Paris

Depuis plus d’un an, il y a des réunions mensuelles à Londres pour discuter des technologies autour de l’Identité Numérique, de la gestion des identités et des accès, de la gouvernance, de la sécurité…

Les Identity Tech Talks arrivent à Paris, le 1er Décembre puis tous les mois. identitytechtalks-fr

Pour la première, “Oubliez votre mot de passe !” et “Comment ca marche : OpenID Connect, fournisseur d’identité universel de Google à FranceConnect” sont les sujets présentés.

Rendez vous à La Source @ Le Tank (RDC), 22 bis rue des Taillandiers, Paris 8.

Pour vous inscrire, c’est sur Meetup.

En espérant vous y voir le 1er Décembre, à 18h15.


Paris Identity Summit, 15 Novembre 2016

paris_summitL’édition Française de l’Identity Summit aura lieu le Mardi 15 Novembre à Paris, au Cercle National des Armées.

L’Identity Summit, c’est l’événement qui permet de comprendre comment l’identité numérique est au coeur de la sécurité, de la transformation numérique et de la révolution des objets connectés. C’est aussi l’occasion d’entendre des retours d’expérience de la solution ForgeRock Identity Platform, de rencontrer d’autres clients et de partager vos besoins ou expérience,  de discuter avec les partenaires qui déroulent les implémentations, d’avoir un aperçu des évolutions à venir de la solution de ForgeRock…


Pour vous inscrire, c’est ici : et profitez de 50% de réduction avec le code  Summit50.

J’espère vous y rencontrer !

London Identity Summit 2016

Yesterday, ForgeRock hosted the London Identity Summit, 2016 Series.

Mike Ellis, ForgeRock CEO, launching the London Identity Summit.

Attended by more than 300 customers, prospects, partners, the event was a great success. For a short summary of the event, check ForgeRock blog. Highlights, presentations, etc will all be available shortly at Meanwhile all my photos of the event are available here, and you can get a feel of the pulse of the event through the twitter stream (hashtag #IdentitySummit)

The next Identity Summit will be held in Paris on November 15th. I hope to see you there.


New version of ForgeRock Identity Platform™

This week, we have announced the release of the new version of the ForgeRock Identity Platform, which brings new services in the following areas :

  • Continuous Security at Scale
  • Security for Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Enhanced Data Privacy Controls


This is also the first identity management solution to fully implement the User-Managed Access (UMA) standard, making it possible for organizations to address expanding privacy regulations and establish trusted digital relationships. See the article that Eve Maler, VP of Innovation at ForgeRock and Chief UMAnitarian posted to explain UMA and what it can do for you.

A more in depth description of the new features of the ForgeRock Identity Platform has also been posted.

The ForgeRock Identity Platform is available for download now at

In future posts, I will detail what is new in the Directory Services part, built on the OpenDJ project.