Week-end photos : BMX

Where is the winter ? Today was bright sunny, clear blue sky and unusually warm for winter. It would have been a great day for skiing, although the snow would have been complete slush. So, with a friend and kids, we walked to the skate park, and we ended up spending most of the afternoon taking pictures. Here a couple of them. The remaining are on the Picasa web album.

An unexpected gift!

Yesterday, there was a package in my mailbox, the size of letter, thick with a bump protuding.

Nearly 4 months after my last day at Oracle, I’ve received my 15 Years @ Sun pin and plate (the anniversary date was July 17th). Somehow, receiving this feels weird. First because technically Sun was no more (in France) on July 17th. Then the plate holds the signature of Jonathan Schwartz who was long gone by then. Finally, the date was almost 6 months ago; since I’ve packed and moved on ! But I’m thankful to Oracle for following up and sending them to me, instead of trashing them.

I still haven’t received the gift I ordered before I left, though: a silver made Caran D’Ache ballpen. May be it’s also on its way ! I’d hoped to receive it in time to sign in ForgeRock France new employees’ contract !

Christmas and a new Sun blogger…

We have a nice tradition at ICNC (International Center for Network Computing, the French research and development center) for Christmas, it’s the employees’ children Christmas party.
The party takes place in our facilities, and includes a show for the children, Santa Claus visit to distribute the gifts and some cakes and drinks.

Well this year party took place yesterday (Wednesday Dec 15th) and as usual it was noisy. There were nearly a hundred children wandering in the corridors, shouting, screaming, waiting impatiently for their present and then unpacking them all over the place. Lot of fun (except for the few coworkers who intended to do some work) !

Warning: if you still believe in Santa, stop reading now.

As part of the tradition, Santa is played by the most recent hired and this year it happened to be Arnaud, who is also starting to blog on blogs.sun.com !

Back to work…

Yes it’s time to go back to work.
I’ve had wonderful and very relaxing vacations. I spent most of them with my family on the Costa Brava, Spain, sharing our time between water activities (beach and swimming pool) and reading. My wife and I are heavy readers in our vacation times (during the rest of the year, we don’t have that amount of time for reading). This time I’ve read:

  • Stephen King, “The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
  • 2 novells from Tonino Benacquista (French writer): “La Maldone de sleeping”, “Malavita”.
  • Michael Connely, “Chasing the dime”
  • Patrick Lapeyre, “L’homme-soeur” (French novell who won the Inter 2004 price)
  • Dan Brown, “The Da Vinci Code”
  • and I’ve started the complete Novells and Stories book from Didier Diderot.

Coming back from vacation is always scary as the flow of emails keeps coming while away from the computer. This time, I had to go through more than 3800 emails, most of which I’ve deleted but still a few hundreds required full attention. Anyway, I’m done with the email cleaning and back almost full speed to work on my prefered subjects: LDAP and Directory Server.
So while I was on vacation, the IETF meetings was being held in San Diego. I wasn’t present in person, but attended the LDAPBIS working group via Jabber (despite the very late time of the event, 2am in France)… Nothing much occured as the Jabber Log is indicating. LDAP is really mature now !